I actually made it!

The year is almost up.. I actually made it too the end! Well, at least until now. I managed to give birth to a healthy and awesome son on 14th December 2013. That is when I made this year’s (2014) resolutions:

  1. Survive the year (all the lack of sleep,crying, financially, etc)
  2. Loose all those weights I gained during pregnancy.

First few months this year, I doubt I would be sane by the end of the year. My son, Aqil barely slept, vomits like crazy, cry like he owns the world. Lucky me, my husband really helped. I didn’t have to do all the chores, and taking care of Aqil on my own. He took a few days off, whenever he could, in the early stage. Whenever he is not working he would definitely help me too. Emotionally during those early stages, I was unstable. Hormones adjusting themselves, I was told. I felt like crying all the time, which is just plain weird. Lucky me, all gone by June.

By now, I finally manage to loose all those weights. I am back to my original weight before I got pregnant. Hmm.. maybe I should loose a little bit more..

Not something I would bring over to 2015 though. Not exactly a priority. 🙂

This was written in response to another one of those daily prompts: To Be Resolved 

We’re entering the final days of 2014 — how did you do on your New Year’s resolutions these past 11.75 months? Is there any leftover item to be carried over to 2015?


One thought on “I actually made it!

  1. Congratulations to your Babyboy 🙂


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